Monday, June 1, 2015

Installing Oracle Audit Vault and Dataabase Firewall (Oracle Audit Vault Server)

Installing Oracle AVDF (Oracle Audit Vault Server)

Installation of Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) comprises of installing Audit Vault first and then Database Firewall. Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall come in two different installation medias. This document deals with the installation of Audit Vault Server only. In coming posts I will discuss on installing database firewall and integrating Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall.

Oracle Audit Vault provides a secure and scalable solution for consolidating audit data generated by Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 and Sybase ASE. Built-in reporting and alerting help enterprises more easily comply with both regulatory and internal reporting requirements. Oracle Audit Vault automates the audit consolidation process, turning audit data into an important security and compliance resource.

Following are the top level steps that needs to be performed to install Oracle Audit Vault Server

A.      Media Download
B.      Prerequisites
C.      Installation
D.      Post Installation

A.      Download Media
1.       Download media from
         Open a web browser.
         Type in the address bar.
         Press "<Enter>" key.
         Click on "Sign In / Register" button.

B.      Prerequisites
1.       Laptop/PC
         Latest and fast processors
         At least 16GB memory
         Windows 64 bit
         At least 50 GB free HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

   VMware pre-installed. VirtualBox can be downloaded from .  The activity was performed with release 11+ version of VMware.

         Host machine should be able to access guest machine. Later host machine has to access web console of audit vault server.

Host Machine:

IP Address       :
Subnet Mask  :
Gateway          :

Guest Machine (AV Server):
IP Address       :
Subnet Mask  :
Gateway          :

C.      Installation

1.   Select the New Virtual Machine
2. - Check radio button custom

3.- Specify a name and location for this virtual machine

4.- Select the destination storage for the virtual machine files.

5.- specify the operating system

6.-select the number of virtual CPUs  SS

7. - Configure the virtual machine’s memory size

8.- Select the network connection

9.- Select de disk and check the Create a new virtual disk

10. - specify the virtual disk size, minimum of capacity is of 130 GB.

11.- finally. Create.

12 .- select the ISO for Oracle Audit Vault Server12c

13. - run the virtual machine and type: install

14. - wait while it install

15.- Enter the passphrase

16.-  select the network adapter:

17.-  Select Use this device as the management port

18. - configure the id address, remember that the host name, it can view the host Audit Vault server

19. - reboot the system.

20. - Wait while the installation of components is completed

21. - The Oracle Audit Vault Server is installed.

D.      Post Installation
Login to Database Vault Web Console

1.- Open a web browser in your host machine and enter following url in the address bar  and type the passphrase, configured above.

      2.   User Configuration
        Enter username and password for the users to be configured.
        User Setup:
            Users AVADMIN and AVAUDITOR are created in Oracle database.
            Users "root" and "support" are created in operating system.
            While connecting to the audit vault server using terminals like ssh and putty, first login as support user then       switch to other users. User "oracle" is implicitly created in the operating system.

    3. Time and DNS configuration
 Time Setup:
      Select "Set Manually" option.
      Set proper date and time.

      DNS Setup:
      We will not use DNS in this setup.

     Click on "Save" button at the upper right corner.

         4. -  Login to Audit Vault Server console

             After "Save" button is clicked, system will automatically redirect to Login page.
             Login as "AVADMIN" user. Provide the username and password.
             Click on "Login" button.

5. - To enable SSH, Go to the tab Configuration and services.

        In SSH access, check the radio button ALL.

    6.-  Audit Vault Home page
         After successful login, system redirects to Audit Vault Server console home page. Congratulations.......! Audit     Vault Server installation completed successfully.

In the next post I'm going to configurate the Audit Vault Server.



  1. Hi tnx for this hellpfull sit , but I have problem I want to install it directly on physical server, but I can't, could u help me?

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