Monday, February 12, 2018

Virtual Box Usefull Commands

You just need to install the kernel devel as the same version of your kernel OS.
# yum install kernel-uek-devel-'uname -r' kernel-headers 

Then run your command 

If you get the /media/sf_sharedFolder/: Permission denied 
Then add yourself to the vbox group  
# sudo adduser oracle vboxsf
# sudo usermod -aG vboxsf oracle 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Using the Nodemanager / Weblogic

In certain cases you need to use the node manager to start/stop weblogic servers, the common commands:

 java weblogic.WLST
nmConnect(‘weblogic’, ‘password’, ‘localhost’, ‘5556’, ‘base_domain’ , ‘C:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\user_projects\\domains\\base_domain’ , ‘ssl’)
start(‘mycluster’, ‘Cluster’)

To find node manager process :
For windows
netstat -ao| findstr 5556
TCP    ajit:5556              ajit:0                 LISTENING       1900
here : PID – 1900.
For Linux/unix :

netstat -an | grep -v grep | grep weblogic.NodeManager

How to change the 'weblogic' user password in OBIEE 12C environment?

Here's the procedure.
  1. Login into EM(Enterprise Manager) using URL http://machinename:port/em
    • Navigate to the left hand side top corner below Oracle Logo
    • Click on a hierarchy like structure named as "Target Navigator".
    • On "Target Navigation" page, go to 'Business Intelligence' and Expand the same-->
    • Then click on "biinstance"--> biinstance page;
    • Go to "Availability" tab and click on "Stop All".
    • On the "Confirmation" window stating as "Are you sure you want to stop all BI components?", click "Yes" and wait for BIEE Components to stop.
NOTE: The above list of steps in point(1) can also be performed through command line following below command:

    • Navigate to following location from command console <ORACLE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\bitools\bin
    • Once in above location execute below command depending on your operating system:
  • For Windows, execute the command: stop.cmd -i obips1,obis1,obiccs1,obisch1,obijh1
  • For Linux, execute the command: ./ -i obips1,obis1,obiccs1,obisch1,obijh1

       2. Once the BI components are stopped from EM/Command Console, login into Weblogic Admin Console using the URL http://machinename:port/console and follow the below steps:
    • On the left hand side of the Home page, go to "Domain Structure"-->Environment-->Servers
    • On "Summary of Servers" page, go to "Control" tab and select "bi_server1" in the list
    • From the available options on top of list of servers, click on "Shutdown"-->and then click on "Force Shutdown Now"
    • Wait for the Managed Server(bi_server1) to shutdown gracefully before proceeding ahead with further steps.
               NOTE: The above list of steps in point(2) can also be performed through command line following the below command:
    • Navigate to following location from command console-        
                        <ORACLE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\bitools\bin
    • From the above mentioned location, execute the below command depending on your operating system:
  • for Windows execute command: stop.cmd -i bi_server1
  • for Linux execute command: ./ -i bi_server1 
3. Now from the WLS Admin Console, change the weblogic user password following the below steps:
    • Navigate to the left hand side under "Domain Structure"-->Security Realms-->myrealm-->Users and Groups-->
    • Under "Users" tab, search for "weblogic" user and click on same.
    • Upon clicking the "weblogic" username, the "Settings for weblogic" page will open
    • Navigate to "Password" tab
    • Enter a new password in "New Password:" and "Confirm New Password:" tabs and click on "Save".
       4.Now from the WLS Admin Console, stop the Admin Server following the below steps:
    • In Admin Console, on left hand side under "Domain Structure"-->Environment-->Servers.
    • On "Summary of Servers" page, go to "Control" tab and select "Admin Server" in the list
    • From the available options on top of list of servers click on "Shutdown"-->and then click on "Force Shutdown Now".
       5. Navigate to the below location in OBIEE Oracle Home and carry out below actions:
    • In location \user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\AdminServer\security, backup all the files present and then delete the files (as it carries old password details for weblogic user).
    • In location \user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\bi_server1, backup "data" directory by renaming the directory, so that a new data directory is created in next startup of Managed Server(bi_server1).
    • In the same location as above, go to "security" directory and backup all the files if any, present there and then delete the files.
      6. Now start OBIEE 12c Stack using the below steps:
  • Navigate from command console to the following location ORACLE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\bitools\bin
  • Execute the below command depending on your environment :
    • for Windows, execute command: start.cmd
    • for Linux, execute command: ./
  • When you execute command start.cmd/, it will prompt you for Admin User's username and password
  • Enter the new details and move ahead with server start up.
  • Once all the servers and services are up and running, verify the access of application with newly configured password.
OBIEE 12C behaves different than OBIEE 11g, the start and stop scripts have changed, so

Stopping OBIEE 12c:

Go to the directory: [ORACLE_HOME]/user_projects/domains/bi12/bitools/bin
Unix: ./ or ./ -i obis1,obips1
Command Prompt: stop.cmd or stop.cmd {-i <list of instances>} {-r}
Note: If no instances are specified as arguments in the command, 
the administration server, managed server and all system components are shutdown by default.

Starting OBIEE 12c

./ | start.cmd {-noprompt} {-i <list of instances>} {-r}

For example, ./ -i obis1,obips1
If no instances are specified as arguments in the command,
the administration server, managed server, all system components, and local node manager are started by default.

Status of OBIEE 12c Services (All Weblogic)

./ | status.cmd {-v}

where {-v} is verbose

The command displays component name, type, status, and machine name.
